We have created this page so we can access information, advice and guidance to help us get through this challenging time together. Hampton Bishop is a beautiful and special village. We are a resourceful, pro-active, caring community that works together, particularly in times of need. If you would like to get in touch, send us any tips on how you are coping or you just want someone to talk to please email us at resilience.hamptonbishop@gmail.com.
Check out the noticeboard regularly - we'll be posting information on local food suppliers who can deliver fresh food and essentials to the village. We will post these as PDFs so you can print them off and stick on your fridge. Plus, garden tips, grow your own veg, and activities we can do safely from our homes.
Read more about what you can and can't do HERE.
Call NHS 111 phone line or go to the online checker service HERE.
Herefordshire Council Helpline: 01432 260027
We have band of friendly volunteers in the village who are on hand to offer support to their neighbours. Our village has been divided up into 10 zones with one or more volunteer per zone. Every household in the village should know who their volunteers are in their particular zone - you would have recieved a note through your door or an email, with their contact details. If not, do email us at resilience.hamptonbishop.gmail.com and we will connect you!
Please minimise the number of trips requested to protect our volunteers and yourselves. Our volunteers will do their best to minimise infection by following national guidance - however, we would recommend that each household:
Please do connect with your zone volunteer - even just to say hello!